What is HRMS Software?

HRMS software provides a systematic way to manage, engage, develop, and acquire employees. With a 360-degree HRMS solution, you can automate HR activities, including hiring, retiring, performance management, onboarding, employee engagement, and building digital workplaces. 


The best HR software used by companies usually offers a global presence, analytic dashboards, enhanced security, and AI integration. These software solutions are essential to manage the workforce effectively. If you're ready to streamline HR processes, get ready to experience seamless business growth with top-notch HR software.


Transform Your HR Performance With The Best HR Software

How Does Our HR Performance Management Software Can Help You?

Choosing the best HR performance management Application can be challenging.  Don't worry- you've found the right solution! Our Application offers various modules on an all-in-one platform.


  • Saves You Time

Our HRMS Application deploys an all-in-one HR and payroll Aplication solution. Movebik's HR Application solution saves time and energy- allowing you to focus on other critical business needs. 


  • Anywhere Accessibility

The best part of Movebik's HR Application is its accessibility from anywhere. Your employees will love the unlimited accessibility, regardless of device, location, or certain internet speed. 


  • An Experience That Counts

Along with easy accessibility, our best HR and payroll application features offer the best design with intuitive dashboards. Movebik's seamless design delivers a delightful user experience.


  • Smart Data Control

Another standout feature of Movebik's HR payroll Application is its smart data control tools. You can analyze employee performance, create a database, and assign roles. Additionally, you can chat and store important files.


  • Ease of Use

Movebik's interactive business solution offers seamless operations across different locations without lags or failures. All time server uptime prevents unnecessary buffering and delays.


  • Enhanced Learning and Development

If you value continuous learning, our HR and payroll Application is perfect for you. It enables leaders to educate their employees with features like video conferencing, easy guides, and other available materials.

  • Best Performance Management

Movebik's HR performance management Application is an excellent choice for every company. You can streamline HR processes, access reports, and gain insights into your business operations.


  • Smart Optimization of Attendance and Time Records

Get ready to automate mundane tasks. Use real-time, data-driven reports to analyze business operations. Movebik's best HR and payroll Application offers insightful reports- help you create strategies for business growth.

What Features Are Included in the Best HR Software?

This section will help you find what you are looking for. We will uncover all the features of our HR software- to help you determine what is required for your business. Without wasting time, let's get started.


  • Core HR

As an HR professional, managing employee data is a critical task. With an HRMS software, this becomes much easier. Movebik's HR Application help you manage employee data, attendance, payroll, documents, projects, profits, and various other activities. Here are some features of our Application:

  1. Employee data management.
  2. Organizational employee directory.
  3. Sending and signing of documents.
  4. Dashboards for data visualization.
  • Payroll

Our HR payroll software manages employee contracts and agreements. You can create contracts, redefine compensation, manage leaves, and task durations. Moreover, our payroll management system simplifies tax calculations, withholdings, and other compensatory records. You can even manage salary slips and allowances records. Our payroll management features include:

  1. Simplified tax filing.
  2. Automatic policy compliance.
  3. Direct deposit to employee accounts.
  4. Advanced data security measures.
  • Time and Attendance

Another feature of our HRMS software is attendance management. With our Application, you can record check-in and check-out times. This way, you can create real-time analytical reports of your employees. Plus, get a clear overview of employees' monthly attendance and early out tracking which helps with payroll. Key features include:

  1. Integration with the payroll system.
  2. Dashboards for attendance analytics.
  3. Facial biometric recognition.
  4. Flexible shift management.
  • Performance Management

One of the best features of our Application is its ability to improve clarity on performance. This allows you to easily track who has completed tasks in how much time. The Application also includes a feedback system. Here are some HRMS tools's features:

  1. Dedicated 1:1 meetings.
  2. One-click automated pulse surveys.
  3. 360-degree performance reviews.
  4. Cascade goals for company-wide progress.
  • Hiring & Onboarding

Movebik's HR Application used by companies allows efficient management of recruitment processes. It automates job descriptions, offer letters, and other documentation. It contributes to employee retention and productivity. Our hiring and onboarding HRMS tools include:

  1. Automated offer letter management.
  2. AI-generated job descriptions.
  3. Document and asset management.
  4. Seamless requisition process.
  • PSA (Professional Services Automation)

With our Application, you can streamline asset tracking. This feature offers insights into employees' skills, project suitability, and time availability. This helps improve your business operations. Key HRMS tools include:

  1. Tracking project hours and revenues.
  2. Strategic resource planning.
  3. Hiring, engaging, and onboarding candidates.
  4. Integration with accounting Application.

HRMS Software Trusted by 30,000+ Industry Leaders

Why Choose Our Best HRMS Software?

Offers Increased Business Agility

Our software adapts business requirements–allowing you to maintain consistency with your global workforce. This capability enhances your decision-making power. Plus, it helps you satisfy your employees. Overall, it enables your company to function more seamlessly.


Addresses Security and Safety

Movebik HR software is built on a foundation of trust and security. We provide leading safety measures to ensure your data is protected. This creates a system of better employee engagement. Additionally, our 24/7 support team is available to ensure a seamless experience.


Available for Every Industry Type

Movebik's HR software solution is versatile in nature. It is available for every industry type. Be it advertising, information technology, education, healthcare, or finance– Movebik has got you covered. We support the evolving needs of employee experience across industries.


Compatible with Every Business Size

Having a small business? We'll help you focus on growth. Have a large one? Don't worry-we've got you covered, too. Whether you run a small firm or a large global enterprise, Movebik HRMS streamlines every HR task.


Deliver an HR Experience That Your Employees Will Love

We are all living in the 21st century, where the economy is emerging, and technology is rapidly evolving. It is well known that successful organizations leverage innovative ideas and implement technology-centered operations. When it comes to managing employee needs, the best solution is often an HRMS - widely used by corporate industries. It offers solutions that drive business value and streamline HR tasks. With exceptional Application, you can create a culture of paperless, time-saving, and productive environments for your employees. This not only provides your employees with a new and superior experience but also helps you stay engaged and productive.


Choose Advanced HR Management Software Now!